July 16, 2008

You know what really grinds my gears...

Today I ran across two articles one after the other that both made me cringe.

The first is about a hearing-impaired woman. Now this hearing-impaired woman decided to head to McDonalds one day for a bit of fast food. When this hearing-impaired woman arrived at McDonalds, she decides that she wants to go through the drive-thru because we all know drive-thrus are normally loud and clear. After arriving at the speaker the worker wants to know what she wants......."Eh?" "What do you want maam" "Eh?" "What would you like to eat maam" "Eh?"..."Well gosh darnit I can't hear a darn word he's saying, I think I'm gonna go sue" You see, McDonalds now owes her money because they don't have appropriate accommodations for a minority of the population. This is preposterous because she is going to receive a large sum of money probably for "emotional damages" or some crap like that when she doesn't really need it. You know why I don't agree with suing?? Because no sum of money fixes anything. The only way I would ever sue is if someone came up to me and chopped my leg off with an axe. And if that happened I would make them pay for the hospital bills only. Just because someone or some place inconveniences you, it doesn't mean your owed anything. Why does everyone think they're owed something!?!? Life is hard, now deal with it.

Ok now on to article number two.

I'll start off with another story. Woman doesn't pay her mortgage. Continues not to pay for nine months. Owners kick her out.

Weelll that's what should have happened. Instead, though, she's a victim. Since she's failing to PAY FOR HER HOUSE, she's a victim. Oh and did I mention the owners are vicious monsters who are trying to kick a "poor woman" on the streets. There were actually 60 activists on the day of eviction standing in front of her house. Who's looking out for the owners? What if they are down thousands of dollars on this because she's not paying her rent? Noone cares! And can you believe this woman actually said, "I'm taking a stand,why punish me?" Does noone see anything wrong with that? You're getting punished because you've been STEALING A HOUSE for 9 months. You're a thief, but you're the victim. What has the world come to?

1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...


Oh my gosh! When I thought the nonsense was done for the day..I find this!!