July 14, 2008

Tell me something good

I have come to realize that most political debates/discussions are pointless to listen to. I get much more out of individual editorials or news articles.

My distaste for arguments started after occasionally catching one on television, but it has grown to disgust after seeing them between my own friends. It not only emphasized what I already knew to be true about debates, but has led me to decide not to waste my time listening to them.

Two of my friends have been partaking in a political argument on facebook for the past few days. I checked up every once in a while to see if anything had changed, but of course it hasn't. The one who's been taking a more liberal standpoint could only point out why McCain was a bad choice. However, he never stated one good thing about Obama.

Yeah I KNOW McCain is a bad choice, in face, I agree. Now I just need to know why Obama is a good choice.

Time and time again, liberals bash conservative views. What they cannot do very well, however, is glorify their own. It's as if they avoid the subject by trying to make us look bad.

Please...tell me something good.

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