August 5, 2008

Suppression of Women and Distopia

If I've learned anything from my fellow peers this summer, it's that women are still being suppressed by men and that the world is eventually going towards distopia. Here are my thoughts on these two opinions:

I, for one, don't think that women are really being suppressed so much anymore. Especially compared to what it used to be. There was a time and place for whining and complaining, but it really has to stop. .....Oh yeah I forgot that people never stop complaining about suppression *cough* Back to the point, though, the most common argument I hear is, "But women's salaries are still lower than men's salaries according to statistics." Well I can think of two very good reasons why this may be so. First off, girls get pregnant and have babies. Therefore, "statistically" there are less women that work. Second, there aren't as many women in the higher paying jobs such as engineering and sciences. However, in today's society, if a man and a woman come from exactly the same education with the exact same credentials, they will be paid the same. Bottom line. I am a successful woman myself, and instead of complaining and making excuses, I just get the job done. I especially don't think women have the right to complain with the affirmative action floating out there. It is, in fact, HARDER for men to get to college right now, especially white men. They should be the ones complaining.

As for this distopia business. This is how the subject first arose. Me: "Why don't we watch any happy movies around here?" Someone else: "Because movies where our future is portrayed as bad or catastrophic are much more realistic." I am just sick of this negative attitude! Why does everyone think that the world is coming to an end, and why is it usually our own country's fault?? I, for one, think the world will keep getting better :-) I'm not saying we shouldn't try to make the world a better place, but assuming that technology, among other things, is going to destroy us is a not a good way to look at things. Technology has made our lives easier and safer so far. Everyone needs to stop being so darn pessimistic!